PRYCA Latest Info

Dear PRYCA Members,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Barbie Yoswa, and I proudly serve as the Member At Large (MAL) for the Potomac River Yacht Clubs Association (PRYCA). Please share this email with the members of your clubs. Today, I am reaching out to you for two important reasons.

Firstly, I’m excited to announce that invitations have been dispatched for this year’s highly anticipated PRYCA Float In, scheduled to take place from June 28th to 30th at Coles Point Marina. In response to the sweltering heat of recent summers, we’ve shifted the event from the end of July to the end of June, aiming to provide a more comfortable experience for all participants.

This year’s theme, “Red Solo Cup,” promises an unforgettable experience. We’ve arranged for a new caterer and introduced exciting new activities to enhance your enjoyment. As a proud representative of Brethern of The Harbour, last year’s cup winner, I encourage you to assemble your teams and partake in the lively competitions lined up for the event.

Here are the essential details:

  • Registration fee covers Friday night dinner, lunch and dinner on Saturday, seminars, and games.
  • Please visit the following link for event details, registration, and slip booking: Eventbrite Link
  • Registration Deadlines:
    • Early registration with points for the cup: May 31st
    • Registration closes: June 14th

We’ve streamlined the registration process by utilizing EventBrite, ensuring a seamless online experience for all attendees.

Secondly, I’m reaching out to request your assistance. This year, PRYCA is facing a shortage of volunteers. Like many clubs, PRYCA relies on the support of volunteers to uphold its mission and provide exemplary service to our member clubs. As a MAL, here’s a brief overview of your potential responsibilities:

  • Obtain Club Rosters from assigned clubs.
  • Attend Flag Raising Ceremonies to establish personal connections with club contacts, facilitating effective communication.
  • Ensure timely dissemination of information to Club Commodores and Delegates, even fostering relationships within clubs to guarantee information flow.
  • Serve as a passionate advocate for all PRYCA events, particularly the Float In and Change of Watch (COW), emphasizing the significance of participation.

Your involvement and support are vital in maintaining the vibrancy of our association and its events.

Thank you for your attention, and I eagerly anticipate your participation in the 2024 PRYCA Float In and, hopefully, your willingness to lend a helping hand to ensure the success of our endeavors.

Warm regards,

Barbie Yoswa Member At Large (MAL)